Board Sub Committies

Finance Committee

Chair: Rebecca O’Hara
Laura Harris
Ken Marcucio 

The charge of this subcommittee is to work with the Superintendent and report back to the full Board on all matters relating to the operating budget, including budgetary appropriations, allocation of surplus resources that may exist, financial accounting, reconciliation between the school system and City, budget transfers, and any other financial issues or concerns throughout the fiscal year. This committee shall be responsible for the cafeteria operating budget as well as the of the various BOE grants.  

Negotiations and Personnel

Chair: Melissa Mongillo
Kim Tovar

Jim Gildea


The charge of this subcommittee is to work with the Superintendent to negotiate employee contracts on behalf of the Board. The subcommittee may also review compensation and benefit issues impacting non-certified personnel. The subcommittee shall also review proposed and / or revised job descriptions, employee grievances and other human resources issues facing the Board and report back to the full Board with recommendations.  

School/Community Relations and Policy

Chair: Laura Harris
Rebecca O’Hara
Karla Malerba 

The charge of this subcommittee is to work with available resources to review existing policy and revise and/or develop new policies, as necessary to accomplish Board goals and initiatives. Additionally the subcommittee will ensure we comply with all State laws and legislative actions.

Student Health and Safety

Chair: Jim Gildea
Dan Foley
Erica Nuzzo
Kim Tovar

The charge of this subcommittee is to work with the Superintendent to ensure our schools are safe, secure and that our emergency protocols and procedures are current and up to date. Additionally, this committee is charged with ensuring student discipline is being handled appropriately and that discipline policies and consequences are current and meet Board objectives. Finally, this committee shall represent the Board in all expulsion hearings. 

Plant and Facility

Chair: Dan Foley
Melissa Mongillo
Karla Malerba

The charge of this subcommittee is to work with the Superintendent to evaluate the conditions of BOE facilities and to ensure they are maintained, clean and meet educational specifications, This subcommittee shall also ensure that there is an ongoing and comprehensive plan to ensure that the physical condition of our facilities continue to meet our needs and is safe and educationally sound from a long term perspective.

Academic & Curriculum 

Chair: Rebecca O’Hara
Laura Harris
Jim Gildea  

The charge of this subcommittee is to work with the Superintendent on all matters related to instruction (including SPED) including the implementation of long range planning for the BOE’s instructional programs. This committee will also be charged with working with the Superintendent and oversee the curriculum implementation, professional development, program of studies offered and technological needs of the school system. Finally, this committee will be charged with reviewing relevant benchmark data and how this can be used to drive improvement.


Chair: Kim Tovar
Melissa Mongillo
Erica Nuzzo
Ken Marcucio

Athletics Subcommittee - The charge of this subcommittee is to work with the Superintendent on the needs of the athletics department, the processes of the department as well as support the success of our athletic staff, students and our offerings. This committee shall also evaluate program needs ranging from uniforms, equipment and field requirements.